Oxford Dreaming Spires

Call for Papers

Abstract submission deadline: 28 September 2007

Contributions are invited for free oral communications and poster presentations on the conference themes.

Authors should submit abstracts as a Word document via email to [email protected] by 28 September 2007 according to the following guidelines:

  • The abstract should be written in English and be no longer than 300 words

  • Arial font in 9pt size and single line spacing should be used throughout the document

  • The document should include the following items only in this order: Abstract title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract main text and Keywords

  • The abstract title should be in lower case, bold and should be left aligned. The abstract title should be as concise as possible.

  • Authors' names should be listed with initials of first names only followed by the last names in full. Authors should be separated by commas. Left align the author list and put an asterisk (*) after the presenting author.

  • Affiliations should follow on the next line without a blank line. For each affiliation, the maximum level of detail should be the name of the organization or institute and country. Full street addresses should not be included.

  • Superscript numbers should be used as a key to affiliate names to organizations for more than one organization. Numbers should appear after the authors' names and then before each affiliation. Left align the affiliations. Indicate up to 6 authors only; if more than 6 use 'et al'.

  • The presenting author's email address may be included on the next line. The inclusion of an email address is optional. Abstracts will be printed in the abstract book as submitted. Therefore if you do not wish your email address to be distributed please do not include it in your abstract.

  • Leave a blank line before the main abstract text. Do not type "abstract" at the start of the main text.

  • Leave a single blank line between paragraphs. Left align paragraphs and do not indent the first line.

  • Inclusion of embedded figures is accepted. Figures should be of good quality and high resolution. Figures should be embedded in the main text file.

  • Include four keywords separated by commas.

  • The total file size should not exceed 3 MB.

  • Submit the file as an email attachment in Word, not as a PDF

  • The email message should include corresponding author's full contact details with mail address, telephone and fax numbers.

Download a sample Abstract




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